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The list of digital resources and tools to help organizations, teams and family  

Apr 27, 2020 / Andrei Medvedev
Time to read: 4 min.
While spending more time at home to work remotely and taking care of our families, it is good to have access to quality digital resources and tools to either set up a remote working place or just help us pass free time. With this in mind, we put together a list of our favorite resources to help you cope with a new reality and make the most of it.

For Business

Use TMetric to monitor your team effectively  

Looking for a solution to track your team, control over time, projects’ budget? We have been using TMetric for 4 years, after we made the decision to ditch our old-school methods of time tracking that weren’t working for us, and find a simple, modern-day solution. Learn why we love it and how it can work for you.  


ClickUp – a full-featured solution to manage teams and projects  

Working on multiple projects at the same time, juggling various tasks, communicating with clients and managing teams remotely can be daunting. ClickUp is a project management tool that is easy to use, highly customizable, packed with a lot of great features and options? Learn more about the tool to see how your business can benefit from it.  



Use Microsoft Teams (for free) to stay connected with your team 

Teams is a part of Office 365. If your organization is licensed for Office 365, you already have it, that is great. But if, for any reason, you don’t have access to it, now Microsoft makes it available for everyone. Whether you are an individual or IT professional working for a company, there are ways to get it started right away. Have questions, need support, let us know. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, we can help deliver a solution tailored to your business needs.


Set up a Pomodoro Timer to manage your time by minimizing interruptions 

Pomodoro Timer is a time management technique to help increase productivity by breaking down the work into 25 minutes intervals with five minutes of rest. The service allows you to adjust the lengths of breaks as well.  Want to focus on tasks without being distracted? Try this free tool.


Use a Todoist to make progress on the things that are important  

A popular service for managing tasks and work with to-do lists. A simple interface and integration with many other services (Dropbox, Google Disk, Gmail, Google Calendar) will support you and your team in managing tasks, assigning projects, priorities, attaching files, and much more.  A free version is available for starters.  


Looking for an easy way to run audio and video conferences? 

UberConference is one of the go-to platforms. It provides an easy way to schedule and manage online meetings and web conferences with your team with no pins or downloads. We find UberConference to be a convenient, practical, easy-to-use, and affordable solution for large and small companies, as well as for individual entrepreneurs and freelancers. Learn more about available options for your business.  


Still need help to transfer your office to a remote working space?

Working remotely became a new norm today. While many businesses already practice this format, there are many companies that still need to transition to the WFH model temporarily without sacrificing productivity and efficiency. Here is your essential checklist to get it started. Check it out and if you have questions or need support, let’s talk. 



COVID 19: Is it a call for Digital Transformation?

While COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, it’s about time to think about the COVID19 aftermath and carefully consider what will help the business survive and meet financial targets. While the term “digital transformation” might sound like a buzz word, the fact is that companies who embrace digital transformation by optimizing, automating, integrating, and taking advantage of the latest technologies, will be in a much better position. Check out Microsoft report “8 real-world lessons” that will give you actionable insights on digital transformation strategy, and let us help you strategize the right approach for your business. 


Use HelloSign to get work done faster 

HelloSign service allows you to sign documents remotely using legally binding electronic signatures. In addition, the service offers build-in reminders, advanced signer options, customization, and branding. Learn more about options and pricing 


Manage in-demand talent by using UpWork platform 

Upwork is a global freelancing platform for businesses and independent professionals to connect and collaborate remotely. It is a great source of quality talents with different skills and expertise. While helping solve routine tasks and complete complex projects, the tool gives you flexibility in choosing professionals and managing costs.


Use Zoho to connect with your audience and keep business alive

Email newsletters are still one of the most popular digital marketing tools out there and Zoho is one of the platforms that you can use to build upon your existing relationship and grow new ones. What we like about Zoho Mail is that it is a secure, user-friendly, easy-to-use, and affordable solution.  


Swipe – a new way to turn your presentations into conversations  

Swipe is a service that allows you to create interactive online presentations the way you need to. Presentations are simple and straightforward, adaptable to any device, and provide two-way communication through real-time test polls.  Presentations can be integrated into corporate blogs or websites or published on social networks. If you are looking for a new and fresh way to present, find out more about this service. 


For family, entertainment, and more

Play the game and fight coronavirus  

While you stay at home to help fight the outbreak,  try this little game that will keep you away from the news about the corona and help push a sense of isolation. Choose the country to save and start fighting the virus. Join the game! 

Game Fight Covid-19 Outbreak


Watch out for COVID-19 fraud 

As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, make sure to be able to spot potential scams. Check out the Bulletin Alert posted by the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center to create awareness on reported scams. 


More time for Netflix party 

While the current situation continues to dictate to the majority of us to stay home, Netflix offers a new way to enjoy shows and movies together over the Internet in real-time. Find out more and start exploring new ways to watch movies remotely with your friends. 


Virtual tours to famous world museums 

Stuck at home? Why not get a little culture and education through Google Arts & Culture featuring content from world-leading museums. Learn more and experience the best museums with comfort from your home.


Other interesting resources 


We love what we do, and we think of it as an art form, but it’s not all about looks and ingenuity. Underlying the artist’s aesthetic in both our process and our products is problem-solving practicality and shrewd business sense.

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