The specialist team at Benson Mortgages provides practical and trustworthy service that can save you thousands of dollars on your mortgage and financing.
Informative, relatable content
In such a competitive market, persuasive, high quality content that highlights the benefits of doing busi-ness is a must for securing and retaining customers. By showcasing their most popular products and ser-vices in a handy constant navigation bar at the top of the page, Benson Mortgages makes it easy for their personal and business customers to get the information and advice they need.
Just because you’ve always done it that way doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly stupid.
Contemporary, user-centric design
The stylish design and attractive colour scheme convey the strength of Benson’s expertise, while the intel-ligent grouping of content and the strategic use of headings make each page easily scannable.
Customized, interactive functionality
Providing customers with decision making tools, like a mortgage calculator, encourages user engagement and increases the likelihood of follow-up actions, in this case, applying for mortgage pre-approval.
Integration for customer service
Seamless integration with Benson’s existing customer relationship management system means that mort-gage applications are immediately registered and assigned to an agent for processing.